Types of membership
Membership in the Association can be individual or corporate by structure, and regular, associate or honorary by status.
Any adult natural person, a citizen of the Republic of Croatia, who is not deprived of legal capacity and who meets the conditions for membership can become and be an individual member of the Association.
Any legal entity registered in the Republic of Croatia, which meets the conditions for membership, can become and be a corporate member.
Regular member
A regular member of the Association can be any natural or legal person who is professionally engaged in business consulting, and is willing to meet the following minimum requirements:
- fully accept the Statute (link to the document) of the Association as well as all other acts adopted by the Association, which are in accordance with the Statute,
- fully accept and sign the Code of Professional Conduct (link to the document) of the Association,
- regularly pay the annual membership fee,
- actively participate in the activities of the Association.
Regular members are entitled to membership benefits arising from the payment of membership fees, which can be used on the basis of the appropriate membership card.
Associate member
An associate member can be any natural or legal person whose interest is in promoting business consulting. Associate members, similar to regular ones, must fully accept the Statute and other acts adopted on the basis of the Statute, and the Code of Professional Conduct of the Association, but are not obliged to pay membership fees and actively participate in the activities of the Association.
Honorary member
An honorary member of the Association can be a natural or legal person whose activity is not necessarily related to business consulting, if it is reasonably recommended by at least 5 members of the Association. Honorary members, as well as associates, must fully accept the Statute and other acts adopted on the basis of the Statute, as well as the Code of Professional Conduct of the Association.
Find out more about the membership process on the next page.